There are a few distinct customs and cultural practices specific to the Dawoodi Bohra that need to be considered during the design process:

  • Mohallah

    Traditionally, Dawoodi Bohra homes have been concentrated around Masjid complexes. This phenomenon is, in part, due to convenience; but also because of the culture and inherent similarities of lifestyle all Bohras share. Thus, “mohallahs”, or neighborhoods are formed. Consideration should be given to both these aspects during the design of the layout in the master-plan.

  • Style of the Masjid Complex

    Masjid complexes, which include the Masjid, jamaat khana, madrasa, and jamaat administration offices, are by and large designed in “Fatimid” and “neo-Fatimid” style.

  • Faiz-ul-Mawaid-il-Burhaniyah

    FMB, a very successful “community kitchen” program initiated by Syedna Mohammed Burhanuddin RA and Syedna Mufaddal Saifuddin TUS a few years ago, centralizes and outsources the preparation of one daily meal of all community households in a mohallah. The meals are cooked in a central kitchen (usually in the jamaat khana kitchen, but ideally in a dedicated facility), and then delivered to or picked up by members on a daily basis, thus freeing up individual households’ resources (i.e. time, money etc.) to focus on other endeavors. Because this is such a recent phenomenon, no residential neighborhoods have been designed specifically to cater to the facilitation and functionality of FMB. This could be a unique aspect of the overall design.

  • Customs in the Home

    • Toilets

      Toilets must not point directly towards or directly away from the qibla. The bathrooms and toilets must always be closable spaces.

    • Thaal

      At home, Dawoodi Bohras traditionally eat in thaals, seated on the floor.

    • Carpet

      The bedrooms are generally carpeted.

    • Shoes

      Shoes are always removed at the entrance of all indoor spaces. Adequate space should always be provided near any entrance for the removal of shoes and for their storage.

  • Privacy

    The overall position of the home vis-à-vis the street and surrounding residences and the design of the internal spaces of the home should help maintain privacy within the home from neighbors and passersby.